was designed to work within a hierarchical structure much like an organizational
names these management levels tiers and each node on a tier it calls a tier
unit. Sites on the bottom tier, tier 0, are called Base Units.
manages anywhere from one to six tier levels. Each tier level is given a
name and every tier level (except the top tier which can have only 1 unit)
may have an unlimited number of tier units. A tier unit does not have to
be a physical site. You could, for example, have financials rolled up for
all sites in the state of Texas but not have a Texas wide office. If, for
example, a national company wanted financial reporting at the national,
region, state and city level. They would create a 5 tier system and could
call tier 4 (top tier) Home Office, tier 3 could be called Region, tier
2 State, and tier 1 City. Tier zero, the bottom tier, is automatically given
the name 'Base Unit' although each base unit is given its own name.
Given this definition, a city would be able to get a complete set of financials (in print form or graph form) for all base units reporting to it as well as a combined set of financials of all units. The
state of Texas could get a complete set of financials for all base units in the state as well as a complete set of financials by city and a single set of financials for the
entire state. And so it goes up through the tier until it gets to the top tier.
Any units financials can be viewed only by those units it reports to. What this means is that a Base Units financials cannot be seen by other base units nor can one city see
the financials of another city, etc. up through the organization.
For larger organizations having many users, it's comforting to know that IconMSA does not impose any limits to the number of users having access to the system nor
the number of users logged in concurrently. Given the example above and the size of the company, there could be several hundred or several thousand users of the system nationwide.
IconMSA also provides a complete staff position feature which allows the company to define reporting relationships and assignment of people to
these positions. This creates a powerful communication tool for quickly communicating with groups of staff members throughout the entire organization.